Exam me top kaise kare/10-12th Marksheet link.

Every student keeps thinking about how to top the exam. No matter how hard you work,

it is common to become nervous. For which he works very hard, but only when all this is done, no student can think of how to top the exam. Therefore, we are going to tell

you some useful tips here which will prove helpful in becoming a topper in the exams. Let us know How to Become topper in class tip in Hindi..

How to top the exam Best Ways to Pass Exams This thought of how to top the exam is difficult but

not impossible, if you study with concentration instead of diverting your mind here and there,

then you are 100% successful. Here we are going to tell you some important tips so that you can know how

to study so that you can get good marks in exams.

Time Table

If you have thought that you want to become a topper, then first of all you have to set your time table,

many students start their study a week before the exams, which is the worst way to pass, let alone

become a topper. There will also be a big problem. Many students study for a long time at night

or someone wakes up at 3 in the morning and starts studying, there is no benefit in this unless

you make your time table. From the day your semester or school day starts, you should decide that you

have to get good marks and become the topper of your college/school.

Attend Class Daily

Marksheet link

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60% you will be a topper if you are attending class daily, if we could study from home

then there would be no need to go to school, whatever the teacher teaches in the class, we

understand it quickly because our concentration remains. And we never forget that topic. If you attend class on one day and do not do it on the next day, then the teacher

will not teach that topic to you on the next day. Whatever topic the teacher tells, he gets 90% marks in the exams. If you want to top your class then it is important to attend class daily.

did not study for long at night

Many students study till late night but they do not remember anything they read. The best way to study is to start studying from 5 am in the morning because our mind remains clear at that time. Yes, if you start studying early in the morning from 2 or 3 am then that is also a bad idea. Most of the friends think that we remember more after waking up in the morning, but even after getting up early, there is no peace in our eyes and mind. We wake up but our body parts remain asleep due to which they do not function properly. If we do not get enough sleep, we will feel sleepy throughout the day.

Think Positive – Think Positive

Always think positive, think good and always think of moving forward. Positive thinking always creates energy inside you and negative thinking stops you from moving forward. If your last year was bad, forget it and study with all your heart this year. Don’t disturb your mind by thinking the same thing again and again.

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