Instgram reel to earn money online in India

With the rise of short-form video content, Reels has quickly become a popular tool for creators to showcase their creativity and engage with their audience. In this blog post, we’ll share some valuable tips and strategies on how to monetize your Reels and potentially earn some extra cash.

What areReels?

Reels is an exciting feature that empowers users to create and share short video clips of up to 90 seconds, filled with fun effects and sound dubs.

Whether you’re looking to showcase your brand, express your creativity, or simply have some fun, Instgram Reels is the perfect platform to showcase your

personality and connect with your followers in a whole new way. With endless editing options, the possibilities for creating engaging content are endless! Instagram reel

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What Does Monetizing Your Reel Means?

Monetizing your Reel refers to the from the content you create and share on the platform. By monetizing your Reel, you can turn your creative

skills and engaging content into a revenue stream. This can be achieved through various methods, such as brand sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and advertising revenue. Essentially, monetizing your Reel means turning your hobby into a profitable venture.

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How to Start Monetizing Your Instgram Reels

1. Instgram Ads

When it comes to advertising on Instgram, Reels ads are a game-changer. It’s an excellent opportunity for you to put your brand in front of more potential

customers, increase brand recognition, and boost sales.

Reel ads can benefit you in several ways. Firstly, Reel ads appear in between the organic Reels content on the Explore page, increasing the visibility of the ad to potential customers.

Additionally, you can target your audience based on interests, demographics, and behaviors, ensuring that your ad is seen by the right people.

Reel ads can also be up to 30 seconds long, providing businesses with ample time to showcase their brand or product. The inclusion of a call-to-action button can also drive traffic to the your website or profile, potentially increasing sales and engagement.

2. Sponsorship

Do you love creating Reels that showcase your talent or expertise? If you have a significant following and a strong engagement rate, you can turn your passion into a profitable side hustle. Many brands are willing to pay creators to feature their products or services in their videos, making brand collaborations and sponsored content a lucrative opportunity. Here is an example of a sponsored post.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Are you an affiliate marketer looking to expand your reach and increase your earnings? Reels is a new way to promote products and services! Use your creativity to make eye-catching content that promotes your affiliate products and add a compelling call-to-action at the end of your Reel to encourage viewers to learn more about the product.

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The first step is to look for affiliate programs that align with your niche and audience. For you can join EarnKaro, which is one of the top affiliate marketing platforms in India. With EarnKaro, you can become an affiliate partner for more than 150 brands and effortlessly promote their products. 

Once you have joined an affiliate program, you will get unique affiliate links that you can use to promote the products or services the brand offers.

3. Add Affiliate Links to your Content

You can add these affiliate links in your captions, stories or bio. Also, ensure that you disclose that you are an affiliate of the brand you are promoting.

4. Share High-Quality Content

Create and share high-quality content that highlights the products or services that you are promoting. Create a narrative around the products to drive more sales.

5. Engage with your Audience

Don’t forget to engage with your audience and respond to any questions that they may have. This will help you in building trust and will also increase the probability of a sale.

6. Monitor Performance

It is important to monitor your affiliate sales and evaluate the performance of each product or service that you are endorsing. Based on the insights obtained, modify your approach as required.

4. Selling Products through Reels

Reels is more than just a fun way to showcase your creativity – it’s a powerful tool for creators to sell products directly through their videos. By adding links to products in the video description or directing viewers to a product page on your website, you can turn your Reels into a virtual storefront. 

But what types of Reels should you create to promote your products effectively? Consider trying out these 6 types: 

  • Product How-tos 
  • Inspiring Content
  • Behind-the-scenes Glimpses
  • Teasers
  • Problem-solving Demonstrations
  • User-generated Content

With a little experimentation, you can create Reels that engage your audience and boost your sales.

Here is an example of selling products through Reel.

5. Reels Play Bonus Programme

Reels Play is an exclusive bonus program that is invitation-only, but if you’re lucky enough to receive an invite, you’ll have the chance to earn money on your Reels content.

Tips to Make More Money With Reels

  • Consistency is key. Regularly posting and staying active on the platform will help you build a loyal audience.
  • Focus on creating high-quality and engaging content that resonates with your audience.
  • Keep up with trending topics and hashtags to increase your content’s visibility and engagement.
  • Collaborate with other creators to reach new audiences and potentially secure brand partnerships.
  • Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages and asking for feedback.
  • Remember that building a successful presence on social media takes time and effort, so be patient and persistent in your efforts. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of monetizing Reels.


Reels can be a lucrative tool for creators to monetize their content and potentially earn some extra income. By finding your niche, staying consistent, and engaging with your audience, you can build a following and attract sponsorships or other opportunities. Don’t forget to follow guidelines on sponsored content and disclosure and be patient and persistent in your efforts. With these tips and strategies, you can start monetizing your reels and taking your creator career to the next level.

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